HomeIllinoisSports InjuryDr. Marc H. Applebaum MD

Dr. Marc H. Applebaum MD

Dr. Marc H. Applebaum is a physiatrist in Chicago

Dr. Marc H. Applebaum is a physiatrist in Chicago, Illinois and is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area, including Jesse Brown VA Medical Center and Northwestern Medicine-Northwestern Memorial Hospital. He received his medical degree from Medical College of Wisconsin and has been in practice for more than 21 years. Physiatrists are physicians who specialize in helping patients with disabilities. Their focus is rehabilitation, restoration of function and a return to a high quality of life. Patients may have muscle, bone, soft tissue or nervous system injuries. Subspecialists include sports medicine specialists and pain management specialists.
(608) 821-7200
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
21 Years. Medical School & Residency McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University Residency, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 1994-1997 Medical College of Wisconsin Medical School
American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Certified in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, WI State Medical License Active through 2023, IL State Medical License Active through 2023

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Chicago, IL Jesse Brown VA Medical Center + 1 affiliated hospital

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